2017 New Year Resolutions

by - 1/14/2017 01:00:00 PM

One thing I love about the start of a new year is a fresh start! At the end of a year, I feel sluggish and unmotivated. But when January rolls around, I know that it's a great excuse to get into a new routine with some new goals!

Below I have listed some of my goals. I encourage you to do so as well! Though be careful, as too many goals will get too complicated, thus causing you not to be able to finish them!

1. Save More Money!

I suck at saving. I love to spend money and shop. This year, I really want to change that. Each year, I tell myself I'll do this, but I never do because my desires get the best of me. But now that I am a college student, I now have to be aware of what I spend and save. I have to start saving for next years rent and groceries. I need a TV in my apartment, so I have to save for that.

My plan this year is to spend less that $50 each month, and save the rest of it in my savings. I'm a college student; I've been able to make $5 last me a week. I think $50 a month is manageable.

2. Write More

I am an avid reader and writer. Each year, I set a reading goal to meet by the end of the year, which is usually about 30 books a year. But for 2017, I want to set a writing goal. I have been in the process of writing a book since I was 16. For three years?! Yeah, I know. That's why this year I want to write much, much more, and ultimately finish my book in 2018 (but I'll save that for next year).

My plan this year is to write at least 5,000 words each month. This seems manageable for me and my schedule, so I am super excited to start this!

3. Blog about twice a month

This may seem really small, and I agree with you, but when you set New Year Resolutions, you want to take in account the different activities/jobs you will have in the future. With my schedule, I won't be able to dedicate my full time to this blog, but I really want to try to still be active.

My plan this year is to write at least 2 blog posts a month. I know I will be super busy with school, work, and extra-curriculars, so this goal seems very reasonable for me. And who knows, I may be able to blog more than that!

4. Think/Say Negative Things in Positive Ways

I made this a goal of mine this year because I want to change my way of thinking. With the election and all the social events happening recently, I wanted to change my way of thinking not to only better the society, but to better myself.

Instead of thinking: "That way is stupid, and doesn't make sense", I'll think: "That way is unique. Can you show me how it works?". The way you think impacts greatly on your lifestyle and your way of life. I am super excited to better myself.

5. Tell People how Grateful/Thankful I am for Them

I have so many incredible people in my life. Going away to college, with 200 miles apart from them, made me realize that those people need to be appreciated for all that they do (and also putting up with me).

My plan this year is to tell people how thankful I am for them more often. If it's in letters or cute little gifts, or even a simple text message. Kindness goes a long way, and I am ready to make that my mantra.

6. Be More like Michelle Obama

With all the politics going on and everything becoming a battle of who's good and who's bad, I only turned to one person to help me through this: Michelle Obama. Her motives and attitudes are always driven with kindness, and her humble and optimistic personality makes her a great motivator and role model. She has inspired me to become better, and to do good in the world.

My plan this year is to be kind to others, and to remind others that though there may be obstacles in the future, it will all work out in a way that will work for you, and you only.

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