Thank You Notes - The Kardashians

by - 11/02/2016 12:00:00 PM

Dear Kardashian Family,

Thank you for teaching me that families are super dysfunctional, and that they can work through anything (well, almost anything).

Thank you for showing me your fashion tips. It seriously has helped me.

Thank you for making me laugh at your stupid comments, and cringe at your weird ones (like Kourtney's and Scott's sex life?? No thanks).

Thank you for recognizing that even when you have fame, there is still time for family time, and family trips.

Thank you for entertaining me, and making me gasp and laugh at your lives.

Thank you for showing that sisters stick together. They are the most supportive people in your lives. You will get into fights, but showing unity and forgiving each other is the best way to live as sisters.

Lastly, thank you for defying the odds while people give you so much criticism. You are not defined by society; you define society and your environment, which shows that girl power can come through in a time of inequality.

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